Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Next and last SFIV tournament date will be announced friday

Directly from mikeyboy956. He is now working on the flyers and he has a date for us! . It won't be official till this Friday. So stay tuned for the date . I will post the info ASAP!
After this next SFIV Tournament, it's SSFIV Time!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Friday Night Fight Club Week #5 Game Schedule

I really want to play Soul Calibur 4 and see who has what it takes to take down my Darth Vader!
Of Course Street Fighter IV will be in as a crowed pleaser.
I still haven't put on KoF XII, maybe this week. The 4th game will be open to anything anyone wants to bring in and play.
hope to see everyone there. The tournament was fun, and we had some excellent matches going on.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

SSFIV New Character Screens! Updated: with New Character Video!

UPDATE: New Characters video

What else can I say, the rummors have been 100% dead on.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Winter Brawl Tournament Results Updated with video links/slide show / Podcast

Last Updated: 2/22/10 5:50 P.M.
Photo by Clarissa Martinez.
Winner(dragula96,left) and runner-up (Pabbs,right).

We had a great turn-out this time around. we had some new blood in the house.
New commer Pabbs ended up taking second place with his very aggressive rush-down Ken.

Update3: Podcast from Diego Link Now up, it can be downloaded here: - incomplete

- complete podcast

Update: Direct Links for videos, the whole event was split into a series of videos to help them load faster.
Part10: (Missing last couple of minutes, blanka wins last match)
Part13: Dragula96 vs. Victor - SEMI FINALS - (Missing a lot of footage this one was an epic fight, Ryu (Victor) ends up taking the win at the end, very close match.)
Part14: Finals / Loosers Bracket Finals - FINALS (Pabbs Vs. Victor) [only last couple of rounds]
LOOSERS BRACKT (Darkaoz vs. Dragula96) LOOSERS FINALS (Victor Vs. Dragula96)

Part15: Pabbs vs. Dragula96 - GRAND FINALS first set.
Part15.5: last 1.5 missing  minutes of Part15
Part16: Pabbs vs. Dragula96 - GRAND FINALS Second set.

heres a little taste of the grand final battle (I was having a lot of problems with streaming and caputring the videos)

I want to appologize to the podcaster dudes, I did not see you at the end to do that interview.
but post a comment and link to where we can get out hands on the podcast please.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Friday Night Fight Club # 4 Game Schedule

By Popular Demand: Street Fighter IV
Tekken 6 did pretty well last week so I will be having that again (hopefully I get a chance to play this time :-s ).
I will try and have some old school CvSNK2 again, but someone needs to bring the game.
I haven’t done any SNK games yet so I will try and get KOFXII going too if I can get a hold of a copy.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Gauntlet SSB:Brawl tourney results

Congratulations to vorguen winner of the Gauntlet super smash bros.

Tournament for the second time in a row!

Pictured above [first] vorguen (middle) ,
[runner-up]Cast (right), and [third] Chuy(left).

Video of the event  can be seen here

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday night fight club #3 games scheduled

Tonight we are having these games:

Street fighter 4, capcom versus snk 2 blazblue , and maybe tekken 6.

UPDATE: Uploaded videos of the event can be viewed HERE

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Fight club expands to playstation home

Send me a PSN message and i will add you . Hang out in the new virtual club house!